Memorable trip

Swadaya steps on Shang Hai!!

歡 迎 大 家 來 到 上 海.. 我 們 還 有 下 海, 左 海, 右 海.. 請 盡 情 享 受!!
By shu enn =.=

27/4, we when to KLIA by JPN's bus.. The weather hot dao duno how to say.. no curtain in the somemore.. We celebrate Viking's b'day in the bus.. ^^ His b'day cake is just sushi.. because.... we forget to buy a cake for him.. xD Finally reach KLIA.. We took McD as our dinner..
After eating we took many many photos.. ^^
Our things..

Most popular post ..
The Gate..


Shanghai's street,

公 安saman ppl..xD

Our room, 2 ppl in the room.. is damn damn nice.. damn damn damn relax... xD

Our first 4 star hotel

交 流 v Bei Jing school band (percussion)

Percussionist (female)
night view in Shang Hai..
30 yuan each..

Prepare for the concert.. in the makeup room.. First time..

2/5, me n vian slept until 12:++ n we din ate our breakfast.. juz had the brunch.. then online.. ^^
Then we had our dinner at 4:30.. (eat again) then when to Fu Dan University to perform..
Our last day..
Spain, Snare player..
My Spain Lengcai.. xD

分 手 的 那 一 天,
Just a sentences on tat sad morning.." 曉 來 誰 染 鄉 林 醉, 總 是 離 人 淚"
We sang 萍 聚, n we cried..
Say bye to our best 導 游:David n Selina..

Next, we ikut our new 導 游, 小 豬..
to many many place... At first ,he very fierce, scold us, we all very hate him..
but he teach us to 唱 歌..xD
小 朱..actually we got a little bit miss him..

Fion's sis n Shu Enn's sis.. XD

at Tea Garden.. kene scam 99
Swadaya's Percussionist 2008 (Shang Hai)

we duno how to read, so we called it as Iao Siu~~

we live in here- Hang Zhou (5 star)
eat steambot.. ^^

look down (on the plane) bye to Shanghai.. T.T


This bring us back to Malaysia..We r safe.. What a nice trip..

Sweet memories.. ^^



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