
Tanggal 31 bulan 8 57,
merdeka, merdeka..

from yesterday,
v start our journey,
at 6..
then suddenly stop,
the bus driver go buy jagung..=.=
but tat time so hot la, in the bus..
then, after a while..
the bus stop again,
fionna: reach dy!!
kar mei: really?? (sambil look out the window)
fionna: erm, i mean red light (means traffic light)..
kar mei's face =.=

ok, finally we reach..
eat tat kind of dinner,
ok la, the dinner..
sleep tat kind of room..
use tat kind of toilet..
actually also ok la..
juz the bathroom no place to put our clothes..
ok, fine..

tat nite, 30/8,
suffer again,
no blanket,
tis time no air-cond..
but i sleep under the fan..
use my mouth to breath again..
when i wake up,
it is already 3o'clock..
i lent blanket from rahimah..
then i continue sleeping 4 1 hour..
the best 1 hour in my life time i think..

then i use 25 min 4 me to ready..
Big Clap**

v muz stand at thr at 6:30..
then we wait, wait n wait..
till feel like cacat..
leg no response dy..
i think we start our parade at 10:30 smth like tat..
when all kontigen come back dy,
we jz start our parade..
like tsh said,
juara dia mesti letak belakang..
small clap**

actually, the parade nt so good la..
got ppl tell us say,
tahniah, krn no.1..
then keep on say thank you..
then suddenly heard,
RM9000 du..
Fionna: 9000?? y so many?
Rahimah: he say lima or 9??
Fionna: sembilan, i heard..
Rahimah: y so many??
then saw peek bai at thr holding the check,
so happy her face.. XD
then suddenly saw vivian take another..

2 leh..
JOHAN Pasukan Pancaragam..
Big Clap*Big Clap*

Aznawi(perc junior) ask me,
"apa tu jeng kang" =.=
then i say
"jeng kang tu semut, cari jeng kang cepat"
"tu, sana.."
he din check line 2day,
cincai la, 1st time, jia you bah,
ma lai zai..
then i tell him,
eh, kita menang 200 lebih kontigen,
kita juara du..
he say" saya jalan salah pun ambik juara"
fion say " kamu rasuah ke?? berape seorang??"
he smile smile only..
cute junior,
finally i get his phone num.. ^^

then, when back to dorm..
we ngea ngea luan sui,
the bus driver beh tahan dy..
open the radio kuat kuat,
wan fight v us..
then stop again,
he buy lemang..
then we eat some.. (teacher buy de..)
so spicy la..
kar mei bcome tong air after eat tat..

then after keep ou things,
we go eat McD..
after eat,
we sit v Uncle Donald,
ngea ngea chou1 sui3..
kar mei, haiz, not me la..
i not so hiao..XD
then ,
tat time i drunk i think..
my brain blank..
i drunk v the coke.. (ngea ngea refill)
sing song.. make Uncle Donald bs.. haiz
then plus i sun burned some more..
face red red de like drunk..
in the bus also sing,
negaraku, sing till half ...
then ming ask dun sing dy,
then terus,
school song..
many many more,
keranamu also got,
tanggal baju dgn seluar.. (chu make 4 Mr.923 small)
then, start the hot sun..
find me by shine my eyes..
change pose sleep awhile then reach sch..
reach school,
kar mei phone his dad: hello, dy, i reach dy..
his dad: then , wan how?
kar mei =.=: come fetch me la..
actually she muz answer : oh i juz tell u, i reach sch, then nth dy, bye.
n the bus driver i muz complain at here,
he mmg luan sui ngea ngea hon..
i think tat's all^^
oh ya, kemaman have many stars then kt i think..


Happy 51 th Merdeka Day!!


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