
Showing posts from August, 2008


Tanggal 31 bulan 8 57, Merdeka,merdeka, merdeka, merdeka.. ~~~~~ ok, from yesterday, v start our journey, at 6.. then suddenly stop, omg, the bus driver go buy jagung.. =.= but tat time so hot la, in the bus.. then, after a while.. the bus stop again, fionna: reach dy!! kar mei: really?? (sambil look out the window) fionna: erm, i mean red light (means traffic light).. kar mei's face =.= ok, finally we reach.. eat tat kind of dinner, ok la, the dinner.. sleep tat kind of room.. use tat kind of toilet.. actually also ok la.. juz the bathroom no place to put our clothes.. ok, fine.. tat nite, 30/8, suffer again, no blanket, tis time no air-cond.. but i sleep under the fan.. use my mouth to breath again.. when i wake up, it is already 3o'clock.. i lent blanket from rahimah.. then i continue sleeping 4 1 hour.. the best 1 hour in my life time i think.. then i use 25 min 4 me to ready.. Big Clap** XD ok, v muz stand at thr at 6:30.. then we wait, wait n wait.. till feel like cacat..


H a p p y B i r t h d a y t o W a n E r n ! ! ~ ~ ~ hope all ur wish came true.. faster find back a bf la.. ^^

i'm here, i'm safe!!

actually, not so scare la.. stay in school, cause gt member, gt air-cond, gt light, gt our lovely miss teo.. ^^ another actually, yesterday sleep got little bit suffer la.. so cold, man.. finally close the air-cond.. phew.. i muz share mashimaro covered pillow v kar mei, i muz use my towel as my blanket.. we all sleep on the floor, n v tat kind (-0.8 celcius) of temperature.. i running nose whole night.. thanks to my parents giv birth a nose like tis 4 me.. ^^ so i noe the skill to use my mouth to breath.. XD n so kesian, peek chin.. stomach pain.. kolian.. >.< smth, i wanna giv rude word tat time.. my "smart" brother phone me when 2:45, ask me go 4 toilet.. omg!! ppl terchekia when the phone rangs.. then plus the nose, so hard to sleep back.. finally, we all wake up at 3:15a.m.. i din saw anything.. thanks god.. we all also kia kia , no dare to open our eyes.. hahaha.. nice experience, although juz sleep 3 hour.. hun dy, nite..

1 night in school

nw the time is 6:45.. 1 more hour, i'm goin to paradise deluxe dinner v a person i nt so like his attitude.. XD ok, fine.. but 2nite i muz stay in school, our school, chws.. omg.. i gt a little bit scare.. my 1st night in our school.. n add up tis horor season when i sleep in my sch.. somebody say, nvm, dun scare, i'm there too.. i think later the 'somebody' hold my hand tightly, n say "i'm scare".. >.< everybody, i need u all's wishes.. wish me luck pls.. ^^


23/8/08, Something, happen next month.. Roll*Roll*Roll* Ta Da! Fionna wee 16's birthday!!! left 1 month n 1 n half hour..XD


I missed 2008 2008!!! once in my life time.. anyway, i feel lucky than other ppl, coz i realized i missed it.. XD thanks to christina, for wish n remind me.. XD

Recently, I feel

Frens r important to me.. Omg, is tat me? back to the zoo pls.. =.= Family r important too.. (no photo for family) so use kok family's photo.. erm, i mean my real family.. =.= My life is good.. Omg!!~ by eat tis kind of things.. No la, the prove tat make my life good.. Form 4 members (2008) (i noe kai wen r nt in tis pic, but i counted u) ^^ my bell sometimes accompany me when i'm alone.. muak!! i think The New's shopkeeper love me, coz always buy tis kind of things, n juz noe to bazir it.. the ppl think n giv tis idea.. (sometimes u make happy)^^ Swadaya!~~ i'm the most laziest n nua kebajikan.. =.= tis make my life good too..^^

To: jia shyan

juz nw i bz, so not so reply u.. sry.. sry.. hw r u recently? i duno u nw ok not.. but u seems so bz everyday.. n i feel tat u r not happy tis few days.. be happy pls.. like wat u ask me to do.. smile always.. ^^ i miss you too~~ <3

Something HAPPY!!

Percussion, gt so many juniors tis year.. i think got more than 6.. ^^ sat, i teach 3 junior.. Woh!~~ the can play the 8 & 8 de book dy.. min siew, phew~ so tired, i teach her.. but y u din come prac 2day? T.T hope u dun 4get wat i teach.. pls.. T.T Woh!~~ i teach amanuddin n aznawi.. 2 days only, they noe, beers, diddles, 4-2-1, 3 camps,MI,d.stroke, n duno wat name de.. phew~ they r the best junior i think.. then, aznawi, juz play the cymbal 4 1 day, he catch up all cymbal skill.. clap*clap*clap* clap*clap*clap* to tis 3 junior.. ^^ n dun 4get, i no sound dy, 1 ppl sponser 1 fisherman fren pls..^^


Owei!!! Lcw lose dy la!! 21-12, 21-8, Argh!!! when semifinal, WOH!!~ so happy.. then now, haiz.. same feeling when in klwmbc.. when preliminary round 2.. WOH!!~ like crazy.. then final, OMG!! 欲哭无泪 >.<


is tis my real life?? i hate them.. i hate everything nw, feel get bluff by everybody, my brain is empty.. my heart is empty.. my body is empty.. my life is empty.. i'm tired, to face my life.. i can't do wat i wan to do.. hw? terrible life.. SUCKSS!!!


I feel unfamiliar to this world .. after i saw smth.. duno hw to say, my fren r nt the fren i noe.. they did everything i can't accept.. everything goin nt in the way i expect.. feel far to them, feel unfamiliar to them.. feel i living in my own world 4 so long time.. n now i juz realized tat, the wonderful world is quite far from me.. is extremely far from me.. wat to do nw? still living in my own world?? could i wake up? is tat live in lies r good? or juz do duno?? i duno, blur nw.. rain again.. sleep again.. bye again..

Percussion 2008

Woh!!~~~~ Swadaya's Percussionist 2008!!!! i cried bcoz of them.. i proud bcoz of them.. i smile bcoz of them.. i angry bcoz of them too.. ^^ i love u all!! nice memories~~ i feel gt 1 percussionist missing in tat pic.. hahaha.. i duno~~ i already call him, he no choi, suak lo.. hahaha.. we create a video when on the way to kl, mayb i will post it here.. ^^ "N" i wan to say thanks to sir Ken Ree.. he teach us a lot, although u sometimes also bu suang us.. XD anyway, no u no us.. THANKS!!


FAMILY = Father and Mother I LOVE YOU!!


the SCAR is always there sometimes it bleeds ..


nice 4 me, although the hotel we live when klwmbc juz 0.5 star.. juz feel scare at the 1st day, then feel better the day after.. nice memories, many things happen, happy, sad, bu suang, tired, weird, nervous.. Nervous, actually, tis year i feel nervous, duno y.. i scare the tempo of Distorted getting slower.. feel weird when compete.. Lanc.. i think many other band de ppl, feel Swadaya very lanc.. haha, i wan say la, we c ppl de ma.. who lanc v us, then we lanc back lo.. at here, i wan to say sry to the nan hwa member.. who live the room bside my room, (in wisma belia) i really thought u all go out 4 shopping.. so i knocked ur door, then we sat at the corridoor chit-chat.. disturb u all sleepping.. (i noe the time is 3 in morning..) >< paiseh.. XD kap dao many lengcai thr.. haha.. so happy.. many CAK too.. XD anyway, really happy.. meet many frens too.. SWEET MEMORIES~~ ^^


2day , 08.08.08 juz 2day, O l y m p i c ^ - ^ n KAR MEI's Birthday!! n JIA YI's Birthday~~ Happy sweet 16 to u all ya.. may u 2 wish came true.. happy always ya..^^ For Kar mei: Happy Birthday to u, Happy Birthday to u, Happy Birthday to Rider, Happy birthday to U!! ^^

Champion!~ (30/7)

Swadaya band, get CHAMPION, in MSSMBC 2008 (30/7).. finally, n finally.. we get it.. i stunned when result announced.. then my tears drop.. FINALLY.. then many things came out from my mine.. the dream is over.. i muz face my real life nw.. ><

Happy Belated Birthday~

Sry, 4 4 get to wish u 2 yesterday, mayb i gt wish in sms form.. haha.. anyway, i wish again.. HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY TO Shu ENN!~ n i wish u to b more mature.. XD "N" Happy sweet 16 to Wen Yong ^^