
mayb nw is the season of moody,
everybody's face,
everybody's blogs,
everybody's personal msg,
can c the word "MOODY"

i think moody is a good reason to let u make other things worst,
when u do smth bad juz give a reason tat u r moody,
is tat nice?
so u can make everything worst n worst..

wat u need when u r moody?
find the answer n cure ur moody,
everybody need a nice n wonderful world,
but who really put tis hardwork to make tis world brighter,happier??

no such moody season,
a fren is the most important than everything in tis world,
so find a fren n share with him/her when u moody,
mayb he/she can't solve the prob,
but they r a good listener..

trust me,
moody juz make ur life worst..

hope tat everybody hav a happy life..
the more simple the more happy u r!!


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