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Temasya Olahraga SMK Chung Hwa Wei Sin ke -36,

so, i'm here to tell u all the conclusion of the meeting few days b4..

tis is the girl A (v her boy leh) XD i say in my last second post..

tis is Harimau's mr n miss.. ^^

tis is Rusa's mr n miss..^^

tis is Gajah's mr n miss..^^

n finally,then tis is Seladang's mr n miss.. XD

Rusa na pai de..

Seladang na pai de.. XD

tis nt Gajah na pai de la, is Gajah de miss leh..

but then whr is Gajah na pai de?? (oh, tis muz ask the camera man)XD

girl in red flower.. XD

saw somebody posting thr??

she v the miss..

she v the mr..

(suddenly feel she so shang4 jing4)


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