
Showing posts from October, 2013


Hello, here comes the Disneyland post! :D Hooray!  I have divided to 2 parts. or maybe 3 parts. Coz I took a lot of pichasssss. Okay, so this is our third day in Tokyo. AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN.  The itinerary says we they driver will come later to fetch us, so we grab a quick breakfast in 日高屋。 which I talked about in the first post of the Tokyo trip. Oh, that is my cute little 姨婆。 and her husband's hand with the camera. and then that is mummy and 2nd brother wee. And ya, I like terpanyaki actually, so I ordered vege terpanyaki which I don't know the original name of it. And I think it's a lil bit too salty.  YES, after our breakfast. The nicest driver brought us to the happy falala land. :) Did you see that, it says Tokyo Disneyland! Omg, it's the most excitng thing in the world I guess. Uncle driver drop us at the 10-Minute parking place and he tell us he will come and pick us at 7pm. Ya, the happy land close at 7 that day, coz it's so...
Just want to say. Color-blind my arse. thank you.

Give up.

Source . 'Live your dream' they say. I thought I'm always the people who is lack of dream, Inspiration. Then, no dream may be a new dream.  But I am here to say, that's not my dream anymore.  It's not that negative anyway.  A fallen dream gives new space for a new born dream right? Like a man died and a baby is born. Okay, not a good example. Coz you would not bother anymore.



有好多好多事情要分享,可是每次只有半夜才有心情写。 看了很多集‘女人我最大’都是在看星座和心理测验。 命理老师说,天秤座下半年有很不错的命运,因为都有在做计划。 看来,都有计划,21岁不能没有计划,没有真的会变老古董。 也有可能是现在是short semester.所以很得空,什么东西都可以玩。 不能再饭来张口了。 我已经不知道自己在讲什么了。最后送大家一首‘秋夜‘。脑里面突然跳出这首歌。 可能是想奶奶了吧。 希望没有把你们吓坏,听酱老的歌。 这是经典也。            晚。安。

Tokyo Trip (DAY 2)

 So so so sorry for posting this like 9 months later. My bad. Seriously my bad. I post it also right at last. XD Okay, the day before we went to Tokyo Disneyland, we actually planned to go to Fujisan, not Fuji film. Is FUJISAN, a.k.a Mount Fuji. This is the bird view of Mount Fuji, actually there's a service there, which you can ride a plane to see the breathtaking view. So this is the photo. :) Ya, I took these pictures from google. I actually DID NOT manage to go to Mount Fuji. Sigh. And, FYI, I went there and I didn't see any sakura also. :'( So basically, I just can hope I'll go there again. Okay, morning of the second day. We're so excited to go to Mount Fuji. I don't know the others, but I know I was excited and I bought new pair of boots so it's not that suffer to walk in snow. SO, LET ME PLAY SNOW KAY. These are the photos I took on street or in the bus. Just some photos of street. Hmm. I just saw many withered tree. No, the leav...