Hello, here comes the Disneyland post! :D Hooray! I have divided to 2 parts. or maybe 3 parts. Coz I took a lot of pichasssss. Okay, so this is our third day in Tokyo. AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. The itinerary says we they driver will come later to fetch us, so we grab a quick breakfast in 日高屋。 which I talked about in the first post of the Tokyo trip. Oh, that is my cute little 姨婆。 and her husband's hand with the camera. and then that is mummy and 2nd brother wee. And ya, I like terpanyaki actually, so I ordered vege terpanyaki which I don't know the original name of it. And I think it's a lil bit too salty. YES, after our breakfast. The nicest driver brought us to the happy falala land. :) Did you see that, it says Tokyo Disneyland! Omg, it's the most excitng thing in the world I guess. Uncle driver drop us at the 10-Minute parking place and he tell us he will come and pick us at 7pm. Ya, the happy land close at 7 that day, coz it's so...