
Showing posts from October, 2011

Happy Deepavali!

To all my Indian friends,  With Gleam of Diyas, And the Echo of the Chants, May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your Life! Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!! ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ

Heavy Rain.

I don't know the raining season is here or this is Malaysia's weather. There is rain everywhere I went. KT is raining like cows and sheeps now. Sometimes I just feel like I'm not that lucky person to bring good luck but bad luck. Just some random thoughts. Nothing special. Rain getting smaller but the thunder never stops. Gonna sleep now. Good Night! Still, we need to be a human and live our life tomorrow. ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ

The end of short semester

Hello. My short semester has officially ended. I'm going back to the the the the the the lovely hometown tomorrow! I do suffers a lot when final exams. Because when the semester comes to the end then I will have no mood to study and keep thinking of my home. And now I was like a blind people that finally can see. :D I took my last paper exam this morning. and yesterday I still went out to Midvalley and attend a recital at night. Like a people who already finish the exam. And the rain is so so so heavy yesterday!! My body is half wet you know. I think I almost get sick, maybe later I will start to pening. @_@ The photo of recital. :) Ok. I'm not sitting at a strategic seat. Then that night I slept late because I haven't study for my Music & Film yet that time. :\ Fast Forward the study and exam part. Tonight! We have a gathering with the Hong Dou's group member. Photos! We also have a pre-birthday celebration for Ujiun and Zi Ning! :) The most success...


两年前的我. :\ 这张照片有点经典. 去年对自己许下的承诺算是有实现到。 所以今天, 2011年10月18日,农历又不懂几月几日。 我再次许多一个承诺,或许我会在许下更多承诺,为了自己的未来就只好#必俄满# P_O 所以求求我自己能够实现它。 明天就是那帅男的考试,啊!我还没准备好啊!明天7:30p.m 别到好吗? 大家祝我好运,我只希望好人有好报。所以让我的生活别难么艰苦好吗? 我求你了,隔壁邻居求你保佑我啊! 楼上的我100%求你够够啊! OK,大家晚安!希望大家生活愉快,恭喜发财! 瑾


今天,只是练琴,上网,吃饭,睡觉。 突然脑里面闪过一句话。 “我不想读书了!” 啊,我好不想继续读书啊! 救命啊,谁能够救我啊!我为什么那么懒惰?为什么?! OK,发完牢骚。:) 刚刚加了这个东西。它好像是叫 LinkWithin。嗯,应该是。 用这个 网站 ,跟着指示,就大功告成。 去年十月的某日,我对自己取下了一个承诺,觉得应该有完成我的承诺吧。 这个学期的课上完了,只剩下大考,大家加油! 瑾

Brother Wee's Graduation! :D

YO! Few days ago, OK, should be a week ago. Me and Miss Peek went out to sing K. We sang till both of us tired and end up with listening to the song. And we listen to Ah Niu's song. LOL! Pictures! not much picture actually. You can see them on her blog ! :D I bought a rabbit bear for my sister, Ashley. so, here it is. :) 你重来不知道,我已经和孤独划上等号.  XD So emo the rabbit. ROFL!! Okay, on Sunday my parents come and fetch then every members of my family meet up. :D Because the next day will be Brother Wee's Graduation. Dia  Like A Boss. 8D Spot the epic-ness. :D Graduate Like A Boss! Congratulations! :) Sorry, got one more empty space. See the brothers is so happy.  The Wee's ! A bit blur. but nevermind la. As long as can see. :D I gonna go back KT so soon, like next week. Gonna celebrate my Deepavali there. That's all! k.thx.bai. :D ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


If you can't see any changes of this picture, please kindly click it. :) 同一片蓝天,在不同人眼里有不一样的感觉。 这张照片有属于我自己不错喜欢的蓝天,你找到吗? 如果你愿意花那几秒钟寻找自己喜欢的蓝天,那么我觉得你也不介意花无论几天,几个月或几年来寻找自己的蓝天。:) 蓝天会降临,只看你愿不愿意等。 但是要小心,看了这个天空后,过一下子,就下起了大雨。 雨天后总会有晴天,但别忘了晴天太久也会下雨。 祝大家一路顺风,恭喜发财,心想事成! :D 瑾


很明显,我不爽现在的生活。 可是其实,我没有不爽。 不是不好,而是不够好。我过我的生活过得很歇斯底里,很狼狈。 虽然我还蛮喜欢这样忙忙得过生活,但是我人老了,需要一点时间休息。 所以,现在就要去睡觉。别忘了,BE A MAN! 继续奋斗吧朋友。明天会更好。 正所谓,夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏. 再见!

To the Swan To the Jean

Hi. I tried 128312 times just succeed to take this. Like I'm so stupid. -_- September has ended. Here comes the third last month of 2011. I almost forgot what to blog. Okay. Should say I forgot. -_- Just finish one of my assignment last night. and I feel so tired like never sleep before. Listening to classic Chinese song, some of the lyrics is so true and sad. Feel like tweet all the lyrics on twitter then all of my friend will report me as spam. LOL! October. The month of the month of I don't know. I'll be back to KT at the end of this month. Wishing October ends faster? No! because I still have final before I go back. Have no enough time to study and practice. :\ It rains these few days. So my sleep mood is on kaw kaw. They partying all around my body. Everyday they shuffling. And I hate it so much. Feel like shopping. And I gonna broke. don't know why my purse just can't keep my money. Night time is always the perfect time to get emo. So I'm so...