Not My Fault

Hehe.I'm here again v the same time. Actually, i don't want to sleep late today. Because of the tiredness, but I have to done many things before i sleep n went to the another practice on the next morning. Get punish by our lovely S.U because there are some of the percussionist did not pass up their KK book. Write 10 words for him. Thinking now, had no idea. Erm, can i write" X X X, 我 愛 你, 你 愛 我 嗎?" xD Must write 2 pages full on the paper. Quite many right? nevermind I wirte 4 pages before, it is just small case for me. XD So, This Is Not My Fault. I wish to sleep early too. Mickey told me :" Always put your best attitude forward." This sentence is meaningful to me. I treat my enemies by using this sentences. So i'll always smile n be happy all the day.


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