
Do u noe our final exam is on 19/10??
Do u noe we left 10 days to our final exam??
Do u noe we get the mr.seah bluff coz he said tat we will exam on november??
Do u noe we juz can revice back our study 1 sub per day??
Do u noe we exam biology on 19/10??
Do u noe i duno how to study nw??
Do u noe i hav nt enough time to do my revision??
Do u noe i hav at least 3 sub duno wat it saying from the 1st page of text book??
Do u noe u r too stupid to put the exam on tis day??
Do u noe everybody is worried about tis exam??
Do u noe everybody is stress v tis kind of exam??
Do u noe orang Hindu need a happy Deepavali v no exam??
Do u noe u did not respect the Indians??
Do u noe everybody is getting crazy to study??
Do u noe we thought the exam is on 2/11??

Do u noe everybody burning the mid-night oil all bcoz tis exam??
Do u noe bluff is nt a good action??
Do u noe we think u r stupid n idiot in our heart??
Do u noe we hate tis kind of JPN tat bluff ppl once n once??
Do u noe y u juz give us the $ to hav extra class??
Do u noe we hav no rest time anymore??


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