
Showing posts from October, 2008

Long time to go

2 weeks more to end this ordeal .. Add oil to all my friends, don't care u r good or bad..XD All the best n always be the best..


朋友, 是没有血缘,亲戚关系的 亲人 . 说好听, 朋友是倾诉的对象, 不好听, 朋友是拿来 利用 的. 这个世界上, 在每一个角落, 谁是不被 利用 的. 不被利用者, 可算是社会败类. 所以, 没有一个人是没有朋友的. 大家都有存在的价值, 无论是好朋友,坏朋友. 都会对我们有好处的. 那为什么不与坏朋友做朋友呢?

Thursday Night

Long time din post, coz exam, i study everyday, feel stress.. Luckily got thursday night. i can rest, then start my study on friday. This night, I can watch tv, eat snacks, n comunicate v my family.. I just know tat I din talk to them properly since a very long time.. My sister found tat today's moon very nice. so capture the photo of the moon. very very far view.. (by mum) nearer view, by me using a Olympus 8 MP Digital Camera . Haha, the bitara day. have a lot of fun tat day..^^ miss tat day lots.. That's all for today, I got to continue my study.. ^^


E verybody fee l X enophobic A M oment !!


Do u noe our final exam is on 19/10?? Do u noe we left 10 days to our final exam?? Do u noe we get the mr.seah bluff coz he said tat we will exam on november?? Do u noe we juz can revice back our study 1 sub per day?? Do u noe we exam biology on 19/10?? Do u noe i duno how to study nw?? Do u noe i hav nt enough time to do my revision?? Do u noe i hav at least 3 sub duno wat it saying from the 1st page of text book?? Do u noe u r too stupid to put the exam on tis day?? Do u noe everybody is worried about tis exam?? Do u noe everybody is stress v tis kind of exam?? Do u noe orang Hindu need a happy Deepavali v no exam?? Do u noe u did not respect the Indians?? Do u noe everybody is getting crazy to study?? Do u noe we thought the exam is on 2/11?? Do u noe everybody burning the mid-night oil all bcoz tis exam?? Do u noe bluff is nt a good action?? Do u noe we think u r stupid n idiot in our heart?? Do u noe we hate tis kind of JPN tat bluff ppl once n once?? Do u noe y u juz give us the


哑巴吃黄连有苦说不清!! T.T

10% from fIoN

_____2day, suddenly i saw the word 'last long' i think back many things.. saw thisword somewhere before.. like in an conversation.. when i saw it i duno wat to do.. i sms to my frens to ask them faster on9.. tat time i was scared.. i duno y.. mayb i'm really stupid.. i also forgot wat i do tat time.. mayb i juz answer a ok or wat.. i still rmb the words n sentences.. _____My birthday tis year, it is tuesday, we all are busy.. morning schooling, noon tuition n nite tuition.. can say i tat day celebrate v my books or my teachers.. every year i m juz waiting for this day, mayb i m tired for waiting so long.. no more excited but i m happy, coz they help me celebrate my birthday.. i get everybody's wish start from the day before.. actually i'm tired when 22/9 nite, but juz think dao, yao xiao tou de present.. omg!! haha, i dun hav any present paper.. so, i take a duno wat thing, juz pack pack like tat.. then giv to him the next day.. so, bcoz i of his present i sleep la