
Showing posts from July, 2008


hehe, 2moro go kl dy lu, go 1 week tim, hahaha, happy.. but, not enough preparation yet, feel weird.. anyway, we sure do our best, get the trophy back.. SURE!! let us go thr n show wat we have!!! Pancaragam Ush, Swadaya Can !! p/s: percussion add oil ya, i love u all!! i love swadayians too..^^


I think i change a lot tis few days, getting rude, not getting, is so rude.. =.= anyway, sorry to everybody, again, if get scold by me.. after tis, i will less say rude word, i think.. ^^


我的天空很久没出现彩虹了 我也希望我的彩虹是圆满的7色 每一种颜色代表我的希望 希望彩虹一直在我身边 带给我快乐与希望 我也希望我的彩虹可以和你分享 by jia shyan thanks for ur rainbow ya.. i sure smile everyday, i promise^^ i miss u~


sorry, bcoz my mood is not so good 2day, i noe, u all might hurt when get me gan.. >< sorry again, juz tahan 4 few days la, if nt i will bcome insane, no gan ppl.. XD sorry, 对不起, minta maaf.. ><

You again

bcoz of u, i less talk to boys, i try to change myself, i do everything all bcoz of u.. (although u din feel it) u say u dun wan to hurt me, serious, i'm hurt nw.. hw far can i think?? i talk to u less n less a day.. n y must u say if u really love me?? y everytime muz hav the word 'if'?? i dun wan to c anything, it juz make me more hurt.. i juz can tell myself, i'm stronger than her, so i can hurt by anyone, but she can't.. ya, i'm strong..^^


16 dy la, i almost walk bout 1/4 of my whole life dy, wat i goin to do at the 3/4? hahaha.. married a nice guy?? do a super woman?? or b a begger?? i as a AJK of cock family, r responsible to talk cock.. woohoo~ juz padan my ai ren^^ CHAMPION!! CHAMPION!! CHAMPION!! i knw u r ' play '..but plz dun treat other gal lik u treat mii...u will never knw the feeling tat get hurt.. by P.Y i think too^^ tired arr.. need a day juz for me to tobi.. waa~~ appreaciate arr.. i need somebody, i think.. ^^ jia shyan, we won dy, u happy? i dun think so.. but i promise u smile always =D i miss u~ hope everyday de weather like 2day no hot sun no rain.. suang XD oh ya, juz rmb, i'm BOKKU 1st batch student, bok ppl everyday is my homework.. ^^

10 years!!

Wooo~~~~~ v b the champion 4 10 years!!!! muahahahahah.. tis year 'sau chang' again.. best preparation, best dm, then CHAMPION but 2day smth happen, i menyiasuikan diri sendiri, 4 doin so many mistake.. haiz.. then a blue colour ant drop on my hand, ti kong, ants again.. ><


2moro, 18/7, smth happen.. muahahahah.. wanna noe? hahaha, we took the trophy back la!!! CHAMPION!! nt only champion, we also wan "sau chang" muahahahaha =D


其实我非常爱你不想失去你 难道我没有权利说我不愿意 你给了他的吻 虽然只有余温 可知道我多渴望抓住你的心 我知道他很爱你你怕他伤心 我每天假装开心害怕你离去 可不可以任性 求求你不要去 藏在我心里最后一句 其实还爱你 >< 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人 你对我说我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过 你听我说要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候我的温柔陪你度过 by Friends^^


a girl need a guy tat care her more than she love.. but they r so stubborn to choose the person they love.. i'm hurt.. i'm suffer.. coz i love u..

Home Sweet Home^^

Welcome home daddy mummy!!


mayb nw is the season of moody, everybody's face, everybody's blogs, everybody's personal msg, can c the word "MOODY" i think moody is a good reason to let u make other things worst, when u do smth bad juz give a reason tat u r moody, is tat nice? so u can make everything worst n worst.. wat u need when u r moody? find the answer n cure ur moody, everybody need a nice n wonderful world, but who really put tis hardwork to make tis world brighter,happier?? no such moody season, a fren is the most important than everything in tis world, so find a fren n share with him/her when u moody, mayb he/she can't solve the prob, but they r a good listener.. trust me, moody juz make ur life worst.. hope tat everybody hav a happy life.. the more simple the more happy u r!!


I see trees of green, red roses too I seen the bloom, for me n you And i think to myself, What a wonderful world. I sees skies of blue,n cloud of white the bright blessed day, dark sacred night And i think to myself, What a wonderful world. The colours of the rainbow,so preety in the sky, Are also on the faces,of peoples goin by, I see friend shakin hands sayin " How do u do" They're really sayin "I love u" I hear babies cryin, I watch them grow, They'll learn much more,than I'll ever know And i think to myself What a wonderful world Yes, I think to myself, What a wonderful world. Nice song, i love it, really a wonderful world tat i need..

Somethings funny

XD my sis do n say smth funny 2day, she need to do newspaper cutting, when my bro locked the door n all can lock de all lock dy, she juz say, " ko, can u help me go 7-11 to buy newsapaper?" =.= (charles's face) then she doin the newspaper cutting, she ask, " is biasiswa a girl?" =.= (charles's n my face) she really a girl, a girl who study in primary sch.. XD


只要彼此之间有爱存在,做任何事都是幸福的.. by fion 如果每天可以这样,那就足够了 =) by peek -- 爱一个人不一定要拥有他 -- -- 你爱他就要尊重他的一切 -- -- 并且达到不让他觉得厌倦 -- -- 爱他就应该让他拥有自由 -- -- 他不开心时尽量哄他开心 -- -- 当他寂寞一个人就陪伴他 -- -- 他开心时就和他一起开心 -- by karmei 看到一个深爱著你的人为你而改变因為愛你,他收起他的頑固脾气因為愛你,他对別人都以感谢的心因为爱你,他把你的兴趣也变成是他的兴趣。喜欢一个人是沒有原因的。他无悔的付出,都认为是值得的,只要能和相愛的人在一起...其实我们的身边都有一些这样的人,可能是我们还沒发现...最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边守护你,不让你有一丝的委屈...真正愛你的人,不会说许多爱你的话却会做许多愛你的事...如果你身边有这样的人的话,请你好好珍惜........... by jia shyan 虽然个人立场大不相同,但全都是幸福的.. 被爱是幸福的,爱你的人也会因此而感到幸福..


i can't 4get the stranger! HOW?? always rmb tat scenes when i'm free.. i think i need u again..


Happy Birthday to Bubu!!~

Answer XD

Where r u too, when i need u?


Where r u, when i need u??


P.K.D (Pok Kai Day) 5/7, i pok kai 2 times, XD i is mei chyi accidently push me, then my elbow go knocked the wall, luckily i can bent my hand, coz it is very pain =.= then, the mr.chong jia shyan everyday pray to rain, his dream came true, nw every prac sure will rain de, then i pok kai again, coz too slippery, when prac, the weather so good, juz small rain, then kaki ayam lo, coz the padang wet ma, i so high tat time, ngea ngea piu la, then fall down, =.= nth to say, so, then i so kiu to fall down again, then when show time, i saw triple kill, wow~~ 1st, CC next, ming chia 3rd, poh yok they 3 also fall down.. same as me =.= simon also fall down, coz i scan when static, XD chws's padang give ming chia a very good present, 4 his 2day's birthday, tat is double kill, he fall down 4 2 times.. ^^ Happy Birthday to u ya, hav a nice 13's birthday, n hav a nice present too.. XD

Simple Life

I wan a SIMPLE life!! y everything goes complicated arround me? can i have a nice n a good life? Family, i love my family.. can u all stop do smth make ppl so fan? can't stay in a good condition? we r FAMILY !! no matter wat happen.. nobody can leave each other.. my love story, although i took about 2 years time to 4get my ex, but it's nice, we r genggie nw.. but somebody took my heart again, i duno wat will happen, if we get 2gether.. but wat i told u is real, i dun wan to hurt anybody, i wish the ppl who hurt r me.. i think i hurt her.. i wan to apologise to her, or can u 2 2gether? then i can start to take 2 years to 4get u again.. or mayb longer.. Swadaya, i really hope we r the CHAMPION tis year.. it will b a nice memory in my life.. but no ppl smile in the prac recently, everything goin serious n serious.. i dun mind to b a clown when prac.. juz wan u all smile everyday, hav a good mood when prac.. i think it's enough 4 me.. Studies, nth to say, everything goin worst