
Showing posts from July, 2009


Tomorrow starts the band camp, wish to make a big improve. Gambate to all band members, Please don't sick already.. Keep up your fit body. Percussionist, Jia You x10000000, Be more serious , Fight till the end, Dun give up!! Gambate to myself!! Gambate to everybody!!! Hope the wish will came true!!


I just done my art folio, On this morning, n Goin to sleep now.. Good news is, I had done my folio. Bad news is, I had no time to sleep. Nite, Bye.

最 近, 发 生 了 好 多 好 多 事 情. 也 觉 悟 了. 大 家 都 长 大 了, 都 把 事 情 复 杂 化. 说 真 的, 我 还 真 羡 慕 当 初, 勇 敢 的 我, 坚 定 的 我, 无 忧 无 虑 的 我, 过 着 快 乐, 幸 福 日 子 的 我. 也 许, 太 了 解 你 只 会 让 自 己 不 开 心. 但, 我 已 了 解 你. 我, 很 担 心, 担 心 希 望 变 成 失 望, 更 担 心, 失 望 让 我 觉 得 有 希 望. 朋 友, 加 油 吧!! 为 咱 们 的 人 生 奋 斗!!


"When you drop a glass or a plate to the ground it makes a loud crashing sound. When window shatters, a table leg breaks, or when a pictures falls off the wall in makes a noise. But as for your heart,when that breaks, it's completely silent. You would think as it's so important it would make the loudest sound in the whole world. or even have some sort of ceremonious sound like the gong of a cymbal or the ringing of a bell. But it's silent and you almost wish there was a noise to distract you from the pain." Cecelia Ahern

Little from the week.

Oh , long time didn't touch Blogger. Look above,the picture captured by me when band practice. Don't be curious, it is a Jacob's biscuit which get tortured by me. It was a competition, which I was the winner and shu enn was the loser. Because my love is more nice. Don't jealous at me!! XD * Recently, my life is totally busy. Full v praticing n tuitioning. Everybody is getting tired, while I'm the one who are not getting tired, but dying. XD * To all my buddies, Please work more hard on yours studies, and also mine too. XD Band members: Add oil in practice n beat Them !! Fight for the Best!! Fighting!!!

The 11th

The same thing happen today, Swadaya get the Best Drum major, Best preparation, n The Champion. in state level * The most important is We Break the curse!! * Jia you, in the next prac till National Competition. Proud to be the one of you!! Muakk~ =D

Your Words

Totally hurt me, deep into my heart. and it makes my life get into troubles. * I failed to make you proud of me. And failed to live in your life. Anyway, I Love you. Daddy.

Happy 17's Birthday to Mr. Cc and Ms. Ww

A very Happy Birthday to Mr. TCC .(1/7) Wish u had a good and nice b'day, May all your wishes came true, and so had flying colours in your SPM. I think the picture above is suitable for you. The picture that took in Shanghai. Happy Birthday!! * The Birthday of Ms. Williams .(2/7) Happy 17's Birthday!! May wish you have a sweet birthday v your Long long. Stay smart n pretty always. =D Happy Birthday!!

Unlucky Me

T he name list for the national service came out yesterday. So lucky that I had been choosen by them. Yes, I had to go to national service. Please, laugh at me!! Anyway, I better take care of the band and my study first. Then enjoy my life after SPM in the camp. * And today, that was a Big news happen in our small school. That is one of the student had been quarantine due to her sister who just came back from Melbourne is positif to H1N1. This was the biggest news i had ever seen before for studying this school for quite many years. It is so real that everybody was scare when saw her classmates walking around the school, especially the teachers. The teachers were all boycott the students, and some of them even didn't go in the class when their period. Now, the report has say, she is negatif to H1N1. So, Just be happy to school, because now the school is safe.