
Showing posts from April, 2009


I had done nothing wrong to u.. don't show me ur suckss attitude.. everytime i smile n talk to u, u juz show ur stupid face.. And now, i tell u.. don't wait until 1 day i lost temper, and tat is the day we end our relationship!! FCH

I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry!! :' (

Viv's Big Day

6/4, The big day of Vian.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Big girl dy, Hope getting sweeter, no more rude word XD All wishes came true.. Peek n me r always by ur side.. ^^ Friends Forever


如果, 我所許的愿望一定會實現, 那該有多好.. 很遺憾, 我的愿望沒實現過.. 我希望的是我永遠得不到的東西.. 我要的永遠于我擦肩而過.. 不幸運的小孩, 把努力的成果當成幸運的事.. 幸運的小孩, 把自己做錯的事當成倒霉的事.. 今天的我, 提不起心里的嘴角.. 是一種失敗.. 而這種失敗永遠持續.. :'(


I had just receive a news.. Tat was not a great or a bad news.. for me, it was just solved my problem n i'm not happy when the problem was not thr.. can't describe by using my lousy english.. weird feeling.. April.. many things haven done.. dun hav much time to make it.. everything is around the corner.. i duno which one i must settle it 1st.. I wish i could make it.. I'm the one who saved myself when i was small.. Everything will be alright..

Belated B'day n April Fool..

Tis is my 1st post of April 09.. Of course,i will post bout my father's b'day.. Happy Birthday Dad!! I Love U!! 1/4, i'm very tired.. after finish 3 tt.. then i straight hun on my bed.. XD Tis is how i celebrate my b'day v my dad.. but, 3/4, my family n i went to ocean.. to celebrate his b'day la.. XD Anyway, Happy birthday Dad, Malvin n Khai Shin.. n Happy April Fool to all!!~