
Showing posts from September, 2013

Happy 21st Birthday NanaXIN! XD

Yes, My blog soon become a place to let me wish people Happy Birthday!  Today is the birthday of the Princess BANANA *CLAPS* or maybe the scriptwriter of 'Despicable Me 2'. Okay, cut the crap. Happy 21st Birthday and Happy Internship (I guess, coz everyone's freaking internship-ing, I'm like the left out one. 'sobs') Wish you All the BEST in your studies and wish UCSI give you a degree faster. I think that was the best wish I can wish for. AND, These are the pictures we took when chicken little (JIZAI's) Birthday! :) Okay, 只供观赏,如看图后有何不适,那是您妈的事。 KTHXBYE. :*