
Showing posts from June, 2009

Happy Burf*day to the lovely one

26/6, which same with the code number of Stich the small creature with the strong body, and it is also Peek's birthday . Peek is the lovely one who often 'peek' people. XD Happy 17 Burf*day to You!! All your wishes will came true, and please always look at the bright side. Your family and us wil always support you!! No matter what happening, you are 'peak' in ours heart.. Ohya, Please takecare of your body. Say no to gastric and fever. They quite love your body, please shout NO to them. Happy Birthday!! fIoN

Yup! I've done it badly.

I have done my piano exam today. It was terrible and nothing can describe it some more. For all my my friends who wish me good luck, thanks to you all. I really appreciate it. Finally, my piano exam had finish with low marks, and I wish I can pass it even it just reached the passing marks. If really do so, what I can say is " Thanks God! " Peek's birthday is around the corner, I'll give her a surprise. And for sure, she will be happy. XD Back to the band practice, state level competition is coming and so the national level. All the best to band members, and becareful, not to sick, because really lack of time. Last, Band members who sit for SPM this year, please double you hardwork, and do your best in your studies. To my lovely friend, please don't ask me about how my piano exam going. I had no idea to answer the question.. Thanks^^

Not So

Feel quite sad, because " I LOST MY TUZKI!!" really sad. And also all pictures I like. Duno who jealous me.. Dun let me keep my lovely pictures, N TUZKI!! Nevermind, I'll find it again. Tired doing the same thing. But super duper unluckily, I FORGOT where they came from. Perhaps, I must sing the song ' Let it be' ~ La~ La~ * Really not feel happy, these days. Everybody sure think that I'm stupid, because did not see me sad even one second. Don't be curious, this wat I look like, when I'm not happy ---> XD This is my life, and I have the responsibility to make it meaningful. Hope this post, for me, is sad. for you, is happy.. Happy Always


I finally done some of my works today , in this few days. Did not have good sleep recently. My piano exam is on next week, and I am scare about it, because lack of preparation. Nobody can help me, include myself. Hope miracle happen on that day, so that I can play well. Not so happy in this few days. Aiks. I want to buy a english novel, hope can improve my lousy english. XD feel excited!! Hope I can read it until finish. ^^


我 发 现,我 经 常 让 身 边 的 人 失 望.. 大 家, 对 不 起. 笑 一 个, 因 为, 我 终 于 知 道 了!! =)

The Things I Don't Like

Didn't touch the keyboard many days. Finally I have the time sit down here and blog up this post. The life now is really tired, piano exam is coming soon. I wish miracle would happen on me. But, this kind of things is so unfamilar to me. Had a war between Ant and Human yesterday in the school. Ant is quite strong n tough , not like me. =_= Just scream here scream there when I saw them. The population of ant is getting bigger and bigger, and so the population of human who scare ants is also getting bigger ang bigger. XD Goin to organise a Anti Ants Club soon. Oh ya, Viki's b'day today. Happy sweet sixteen to you!! Last,percussionist, please put more hardwork when practice..