
Showing posts from September, 2008


Tis is my collections, i collect it from 1st september i think.. 4get dy.. juz c it bah..^^ ok, anyway, i wan wish a.. erm.. not girl dy, she is a woman.. coz 2day is her 21st birthday!!! She is Xin Yi!! Happy 21st Birthday ya!! may u can found ur rich husband faster..XD ok, come back come back.. juz prepare ur birthday cake's knife.. There it is.. nice leh.. playing a white grandpiano.. WAU!! haha.. tis is juz a ppl playing piano but bside thr got a guitar.. juz 4 decoration.. not for eat.. it is a rose.. for my doggie a few years later.. XD Masa itu emas.. birthday also muz give a clock b'day cake.. appreciate the time.. 60's birthday??too old la.. Barney!! whose dog foot print?? cute ler?? oh, juz a normal chocolate cake..^^ rainbow.. there will b a rainbow after the rain.. so everything is wonderful!! din u c a cake round like tat b4?? mayb i'm a ppl tat out-dated.. a normal cake.. tis cake can give to kc..(sry no post 4 ur birthday) Paiseh!! tis cake

Moral Project~

Finally, i done my moral project.. actually, it must be done several months ago.. ^^ c my attitude also noe la.. nw jus finish..XD c tis file.. already got 2 colour.. i put it on my table long long ago.. the sketch of the 1st page.. it helps me alot.. ^^ finally i done my project!! the next day when i wan to pass it up, somebody told me tat need to do 4 more essays.. so i take 1 week to do it..=.= so, nw i done my MORAL PROJECT .. XD


Happy 15th Birthday to Swadaya's Quad tom player.. Tay Lee Wen XD

923! 923!

Finally, i gt the time 4 my 16's birthday post!! duno bz wat la.. juz no time n no mood to post.. ok , 1st of all, i wan to wish 923 1st.. fIoN (me) ,Chern Yaw (mr.923, yao xiao tou), Sin Chien(John Wee XD ) Happy 16th Birthday!!! Mr. Teo Chin Hai Happy 20th Birthday!!! Tan Yee Ling, Kong Suyan(包租婆)XD Happy 17th Birthday!!! Qiu Yee Happy 14th birthday!! n, Mei Chyi's sis, vian's cousin n etc... Happy Birthday to u all!! Pictures: Cake!! From Charles, tiramisu, gt a butterfly on it.. RUSK!! From my mum.. My lovely biscuit.. Thanks u guys.. Saw tis bear? Haha.. on its hand gt a watch.. i din c the watch.. juz suddenly saw it, then i scream!! Haha.. like peek chin say, luckily i din throw tis bear.. but i won't throw it la..XD Thanks Yao Xiao Tou!! Anyway, Happy 923!!! We r the tough n happiest 923 !!!