
Showing posts from August, 2013

The 401th post of my life.

Sounds so grand right? Wow, this is only my 401th post in five years. I'm freaking lazy right? Won't forget to mention I gave my precious 400th post to the precious Miss Long for her birthday. So, Happy Birthday again! Tell you all something about my life recently. I just finished my Jury and MBE finals few days ago, it was a big relieve. and this suppose to lead to the otaku's life after exam, without any regret and discomfort I am now going through the slack-est life of this semester. *Claps* Finished one Korean Drama (拥抱太阳的月亮) and Ipartment 3 (can't wait for ipartment 4!) Okay, lets us stop here, 8 more days to go and I'm back to the lovely keropok land again. Gonna pass up my research paper tomorrow, finish up the recital attendance and 2 more written exams then I'm free like a sparrow or maybe a chicken. -_- Coz they say 'Rain rain go away, come again another day.' which means this is not the real thing you should cry for, there are more and...

Kar Mei Happy Birthday!! :D

Sorry I know I should have post this 2 days ago. But... Yeah. I didn't. :( Okay. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LONG JIA MEI! Hope everything goes well with you. In Aus. Yea, 事事顺利. 万事如意,招财进宝,风生水起,五雷轰顶,拐弯抹角,国泰民安,红包拿来,早生贵子,榜上有名,目不转睛,手不释卷,滚瓜烂熟,学富五车。 AND 生日快乐! Can't wait to meet you actually, but since you just went there then. It's OKAY, I will wait, I shall wait, I must wait. Ha! Happy Birthday! Muakk!!