The 401th post of my life.
Sounds so grand right? Wow, this is only my 401th post in five years. I'm freaking lazy right? Won't forget to mention I gave my precious 400th post to the precious Miss Long for her birthday. So, Happy Birthday again! Tell you all something about my life recently. I just finished my Jury and MBE finals few days ago, it was a big relieve. and this suppose to lead to the otaku's life after exam, without any regret and discomfort I am now going through the slack-est life of this semester. *Claps* Finished one Korean Drama (拥抱太阳的月亮) and Ipartment 3 (can't wait for ipartment 4!) Okay, lets us stop here, 8 more days to go and I'm back to the lovely keropok land again. Gonna pass up my research paper tomorrow, finish up the recital attendance and 2 more written exams then I'm free like a sparrow or maybe a chicken. -_- Coz they say 'Rain rain go away, come again another day.' which means this is not the real thing you should cry for, there are more and...