
Showing posts from October, 2010


I miss my family. and that's why I post it here. I miss the time when we celebrate Chinese New Year. It is so happy.  I miss KT so much. I miss all of my friends too. I miss those y ummy things Food. XD I wish to go back la. I wanna celebrate Chinese New Year. I wanna be with my family. In other words, I don't want to study. Hahas. A hi from Tuzki. and my most recent face. =D f | o N


Back to doubled life.. this doesn't means that I have a new boy friend, BUT , Sx Came back!! Wee~~ Clap Clap* Ok, nothing to post actually. That's all for today. Oh ya, today is Hui Ling's concert. So, we went there to support her.. =D Happy 25/10/2010! f  | o N

Super Duper Extremely Nice!! I likey =)

先听首歌放松一下下. =D

20 10 2010

=) A Beautiful Date!! OK, but it is not a beautiful day for me la.. M having piano final exam tomorrow!!! Practice hard now!! How?? I m sure I will be very super duper nervous!! How How?? My hand gonna die!! wake up wake up!!! @.@ Be good tomorrow! I love you, my Hand!! Fionna Wee, I know u steady wan.. Don't be nervous okay? ;) WISHMELUCKPLEASE!! f I o N


那只笼里的鸟儿总是有上等的食物和清甜的泉水, 为了报答它的主人,它每天唱歌给主人听。 但主人却不知道鸟儿的喉咙发炎了。 鸟儿很拼命的唱歌,唱得五音不全。 主人觉得鸟儿开始不认真了,露出一副很失望的脸。 鸟儿心碎了,但它不会说话,主人也不察觉。 所有伤心事只好往心里吞。 在你对一个人失望的时候,那人早已在两百年前对你绝望了。 瑾 笔


我的生活现在过到很满足。 因为我可以每天上网八卦! 真开心。 Mid-term, 你快离开了。 再见!我们下个sem再见面。 好好照顾自己。=D 做人要看开一点。 我看开到我看到另外一个世界了。@.@ 虽然一个人在房间里面很闷,晚餐都没有人陪我吃。 但,我就是喜欢这样颓废的生活。 XD 大家,快点刷牙洗脸,我们,各自上床睡觉! 晚安! 瑾 笔


I have changed a new template. =) I m fine. I m brave. I m stupid. I m skilless. I m an ant killer. I m a noobie. I m a waste. I m eighteen. I m tuzki. I m finish. f | o N


今天,笨蛋没有什么话好说,只有一句:“我很笨!” 笨蛋发现到,原来她什么都不会,连要安慰自己不是笨蛋的话都不会。 笨到没有人有。 =‘(


Okay, From now on, you will see me blog everyday.. haha. =) I know it is still early for those who sleep late, but for me it is so so so late already. but, who cares? XD I have another essay to write =.= blog is better than essay, my language is bad. I don't know how to write, I don't know how to talk, Bla Bla Bla.. I had my 1st exam this morning.. but , no, no but, still ok la. Argh, I'm not creative on everything. Okay, I admit.. please don't ask me to write an essay.. my imagination is use to imagine but not to write.. Imagination does not has language! =) Weeeeee!! okay, enough. still can't solve my problem. Thought can be fresh after I take a bath, but also the same, my eyelids like sedang angkat berat. Tuzki eyes came out. I'm not goin to showed up my 2 long ears tomorrow. Again, Essay!! Argh!!! 1 more thing, i found there are so many many ants at here.. And now i become a ant killer.. Hiak Hiak // So what, not geng langsung.. Cheh! It's all about tod


今天,我在11/10/10农历不懂几月几日对自己下了一个承诺。 我要发奋图强,要做个有一点小用的人。 谁要看不起我的,尽量看不起,明年的我不再是现在的我。 天生我材必有用,不要开玩笑。 XD 瑾 笔

I'm fine here

Yes, I really meant it. I'm fine, Thank you. =) Happy 101010!!


now is 10.10 p.m 10/10/10 n i'm in my room alone.. sx back kt dy.. because of chicken pox. wish her faster recover la. nobody accompany me eat dinner at here.. =)